Sunday, December 03, 2006

On Cramps and Comments

I could send one of those tiresome 'travel experience' updates out to the world at large here, but will restrain myself. There is nothing more tedious than reading that someone got from A to B via train or bus, why they made that decision, and whether or not they regretted it.
Furthermore, as a frequent recipient of such emails from globetrotting friends, I would like to state here that in future I have no desire to read someone's opinion on the comfort of a bed in Vietnam that I am never likely to stay in; an individual's bargaining skills, nor indeed an apparently endless analysis of the merits of one tour operator over another.

Thus my comments regarding Morocco will be limited: if you have a weak stomach (and mine is indisputably one of the more pathetic roaming this planet) be prepared to starve yourself for the duration of your stay in the country. The hygiene standards are impossible to compete with when your digestive system turns it's nose up at mere lemonade at the best of times. I am now in my eleventh day of extreme stomach-illness, that necessitated an early return from Morocco, a quick diversion to a hospital in Gibraltar, and indeed a week's respite care in Plymouth. (If my optionally returning for a seven day stint from the glories of sunny Spain to the misery of a distinctly moist and windy England isn't proof enough of my state of health, I don't know what is). Tomorrow, I go in pursuit of antibiotics. I can't stand to eat another forkful of rice while looking despondently along the table towards my mother settling down to her Marks n Sparks treats.

Well, that was the 'cramps' part - incase you missed that. Now onto the 'comments' part. I was informed today by a fellow blogger that he'd left a comment for me, so I eagerly scampered to my website to check it out. A few hours later, still no comment. Hmm. After much investigation, I have just found comments left to me over approximately the last eight months. Ah. It seems I had some peculiar setting going on which meant they didn't show up. Therefore, this is addressed to all those who have responded with questions to some of my rants, demanding further justification for my apparently outrageous viewpoints, and indeed on occasion daring to argue with me. I apologise profusely for not following up complaints/observations and even allegations. I believe settings are now changed, and people can comment away in peace. If, that is, I have any readers left to comment.

One I do remember in particular from a few months ago came from someone accusing me of being the 'gap year traveller' I ranted about in a particular posting. Short of issuing forth a frothy mass of expletives, I am unable to respond as I wish. And since I never intended this blog to be x-rated, I'd best shut up and go be lethargic elsewhere.

(Picture from last post: Saadian tombs, Marrakech. By the by).


Unknown said...

loving the snot green!!

Jane said...

After much investigation of the problem, the screen should now be a pleasant 'aqua blue'. Until I get bored with that and alter it to something more suitable. Black, for example, to reflect the generally doomed feeling of the blog.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you could call the color pleasant, but the design itself is, well, non-existent. If this is an example of the new Blogger beta layouts, which I have a feeling it is, they can keep them.

It's not too late to bring your old template back, or to find a new one....

As for the comments, glad I could be of service.