Sunday, January 21, 2007

Prancing On Ice

Which TV station was it that started this theme of repeating everything from Saturday night on Sunday afternoon? 'Dancing on Ice' took up something like three hours of ITV's schedule last night ('dancing' in loosest sense of the word, hence I have re-named it more appropriately), and some muppet has deemed it necessary to hurl this at the unsuspecting public again this afternoon. If they're going to resort to re-runs, I'd really rather it was something worth watching from yester-year, as opposed to yester-day.
My TV is invariably clogged up with celebrities trying out all manner of things - singing, dancing, ice-skating, losing weight, God knows what will be next. Alternatively, it is clogged up with people desperate to become the next celebrity, in the form of 'X Factor' like shows. ITV finally made it through the three months or whatever it is of this particular programme, and has now started bringing us 'American Idol', just incase we don't quite have our fix of People Singing Dreadfully. The whole thing is very tedious.
BBC World Service has a reason for having programmes repeated three times a day - three eight-hour blocks of Listening Pleasure are broadcast each day, with updated news seperating the items. Since this is a worldwide service, I understand the reasoning behind the repeats (for those of you not quite awake, it is so that a person listening in, say, Jamaica, doesn't miss out on programmes that someone listening in New Zealand could hear). Plus, the programmes are decent. I'm almost happy to hear some items twice.
Television, however, seems to have plummetted in terms of Viewing Quality. Not only are soaps far too prominent on all schedules, but so are these cursed reality shows. I have my fingers firmly crossed that Big Brother will be axed forever after the latest debacle. As someone observed to me recently, it is rather disturbing that anyone would want to watch an image of somebody else sleeping in the middle of the night...
My suggestion? Everyone refuse to pay their TV license until we get something decent being broadcast on our television sets. I want decent journalism - and that can be defined as journalism that doesn't necessitate showing us images of Saddam Hussein with a noose around his neck, for a start (a kid who saw that in America actually went and hanged himself from his bunkbed); FUNNY comedy (why is that so much to ask?), and watchable dramas. The last acceptable series the BBC produced was, 'Pride and Prejudice' (I mean, honestly, 'Tipping the Velvet' was just unwatchable and designed to shock rather than please), and frankly, I wish they would repeat that endlessly - particularly the Darcy Emerging From Lake scene - than hurl increasingly pathetic shows at us.
I wonder if I can be cautioned for 'inciting illegal activities' by my suggestion to withhold TV license fee? Who cares. If that happens, I'll sell my story to the 'News of the World', and maybe the ensuing drama would push television in the right direction. What a purpose to serve on this planet - improved TV Viewing for the masses. Ah well, everyone has their part to play...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.