Monday, October 31, 2005

U.S. Spending...

This is a brief rant - and I'm sorry, not returning to the light-hearted rants as proposed in my previous posting. I was just googling around on the internet and came across a website that informed me of the US spending on foreign aid, the figures for 1997. It would seem that America spent a massive $3284million funding overseas arms transfer, and yet managed only to expend $65million on peacekeeping forces. This means that the US spent roughly fifty times more money starting wars than trying to stop them. Anybody see any logic in this?
And just to annoy myself somewhat further, I have scrolled down the website and found some other baffling figures. Now, I know that the US does ultimately have the interests of the US at heart, but bear in mind I am looking on the website that highlights the US Spending on Foreign Aid. Implication being, what the US spent on helping a few bods abroad. $715million promoting US exports and, get this, a further $45million to, and I quote, 'Finance feasibility studies and other services for major activities in developing countries to support economic development and U.S. exports.' I believe I'm missing a point in here somewhere, but from what I see the US is doing the sum total of bugger all to help with any economy other than that of the US.
Are people really inherently selfish? I like to think not, but maybe that is just me being overly hopeful on occasion. Have a feeling Dawkins', 'The Selfish Gene' may be relevant here. Must get me a copy.
Oh - Happy Halloween, dear Reader!

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