Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tropical Storm Stan

Welcome back to the world of a genuine rant. No pictures to accompany the words today. Out of curiosity, dear Reader, have you heard of Tropical Storm Stan? Those of you in the UK might have heard a mention, or had you delved into the Americas section of the BBC news website you'd have found a few small articles mentioning its existence. Strange, isn't it, how a disaster that is very much in the process of happening at this moment, is receiving less coverage than something that happened weeks ago - namely, Katrina. The simple answer is that we are all amazed by how America was not prepared for the storm, but somehow aren't so amazed - or apparently concerned - that the same, or arguably worse, has happened in the likes of Guatemala and Honduras. At least America had the resources to effect a rescue operation even if it didn't employ them suitably; the countries devastated by Stan are using everything and everyone they can and still don't have anything like the equipment they desperately need. So wouldn't it have been, well, NICE if America had said hey, we messed up on ourselves, but dear God we aren't going to mess up for some of our closest neighbours. We'll prove that we do know what we're doing, restore the faith of the American people in our emergency services.
Oh, but what we do have on the websites - just by the by - are endless photos of the horror and destruction that Stan has caused. Admittedly not as many as were used to illustrate the unfolding nightmare in New Orleans and surrounds, but enough to show us that oh look, people are suffering. We'll take photos. That makes for real 'impact' photography. How damn fake the whole thing is.
I am sitting here quietly seething about this. Just annoyed myself further by wandering around the internet trying to find a charity that would be accepting donations to help with the victims of Stan. There isn't one yet - not one. Within days of Katrina, we had appeals even in the UK for aid. The American Red Cross is still pushing for donations. They've all gotten so caught up in helping America they seem to have forgotten anybody else.
Anybody else hate this world we live in?