Thursday, September 29, 2005

Reconnected with world

I could probably quite easily create a rant for you all this evening, but I'm choosing not to. Firstly, look up to the rather nice photo of Isla Mujeres just above and you'll see that I really am genuinely in a good mood when I say that I'd love to be there right now, but am actually quite happy where I am and wouldn't necessarily change it.
I am living in a house surrounded by rowers. My future coxswain is two doors away (curses, no opportunity to miss those early morning outings by alarm, er, 'not going off, honest guv'), a world champion and future Oxford Blue rower is on the floor below me, and on the first floor I have the Linacre boatclub treasurer living with the Linacre boatclub president. Yesterday, I erged next to an Oxford Blue (who is a good two inches taller than me and about two stone lighter - how this is actually possible I can't quite imagine, plus just to add to the 'you really can't exist' element, I discovered she had a baby a few months ago. Wow). I am surrounded by rower-y goodness, the boathouses are all absolutely fantastic - I know, I walked down by them today.
In addition to this, I have my first 'drinks' invitation from my department, and also a formal dinner occasion at the college next Tuesday, gowns to be worn. My social life is starting off with a bang, it seems, and for the first time in years I am starting to feel as if I actually belong somewhere. My first few days here in Oxford were spent curled up in a quivering ball, thinking that I was making a huge mistake and trying to work out ways to back out; I'm now in what I hope is an ever-growing positive mood and can't wait to see what is going to happen next. I've been provided with my Bod card - granting me access to the finest places in Oxford - and a poncy new email address, and am beginning to think that maybe there wasn't some horrendous clerical error after all. Perhaps I am meant to be here. Maybe, just maybe, I do belong. Damn, I hope so.

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