Well - a brief post to accompany the photo that should be appearing beneath this. I finally decided that look, for goodness' sake, this adding pictures to a blog business couldn't be so hard as it had appeared on first attempt. So I devoted some time to work out how to put on here a fairly awful picture of me, taken a mere six hours ago in fact. Hot off the press. The dress is one I may have blathered on about to you, poor dear Reader, and is looking decidedly creased in this photo; accompanied with my eyebrows raised for no apparent reason and sun shining (yes, even in England) at a particularly annoying angle so you can't see the colour properly, I thought I'd add it despite all this. Well, it was considerably better than the photos taken earlier of me in full sub fusc - that would be the poncy gear you have to wear at Oxford on various occasions. And yes, I look like a total duffus, muppet and clod all rolled into one.
This is exciting - I can now add photos of 'around the world' to go with my posts! Oh, arent you oh so lucky to be living in this technological age!
P.S. And I'm not blocking your ability to post Comments in fear of evil remarks coming from anyone, rather because I seem to be getting 'Spam Comments'. Anyone have any ideas why, and how I can stop this?? Unless you'd LIKE to see random remarks on things such as renting limos in LA...