A cheerful Jane logging in this evening to say, hey folks, I have a home! To clear up any possible confusion there - you can wipe out images of me curled up in a cardboard box for a start - I haven't actually been homeless, it was a potential issue in Oxford.
To cut a long, wittering story short: my college emailed me today and said that a room had come free (some poor sod had been unable to get the funding required and thus couldn't go. I will take full advantage of this and leap eagerly into their designated spot). I'll be living wonderfully close to the college boathouses - so close, in fact, I fear that I may be dragged for 'early morning runs' rather than sitting on my bike and letting it guide me in the right direction. Hmm, will have to put my foot down firmly from the start here.
I've never shared before (a brief, hellish experience in Australia I have attempted fairly successfully to block from my mind) but - being the total snob I have been accused so frequently of being - think this will be fine because it is a, with Oxford University students and b, more specifically, with Linacre students. Both factors coupled together mean I'll be co-habiting with graduate and postgrad students, who are forking out tidy sums to get a damn fine further degree and are therefore in the vicinity for one reason in particular: get that degree. I'm therefore fairly hopeful that requests to 'turn that music down, I have an essay due tomorrow' will be listened to and fully understood. Plus, and this is one of the best parts, because Oxford students are generally useless on practical levels, we have a housekeeper to look after us - clean the kitchen, bathroom, do our washing, that sort of thing. Wouldn't like such tedious chores to get in the way of our 'little grey cells' functioning, would we.
Anyhow, I'm remarkably happy - and on the money saved by NOT spending a fortune living on my own, I fully intend to take multiple short breaks. Plus, I now have the means to go to India for a month at Christmas: fantastic. Not only will this give me a much needed sun tan boost, I'll also be a darn interesting place work-wise. (University work - not 'real world' work. Heaven forbid).
Right, I'm off to plan a brief sojourn in Guernsey with Mum. We've both decided we need a break and deserve one so will pop over there. I'm intent on heading to the beach with a pile of books, and she can - I don't know, sit in a hammock. With a pile of books.
After a few days (dare I say weeks) of a life verging on pure hell, it seems I'm coming out the other side again. The Gods remembered me. Whoop whoop!