Having promised regular updates and witterings, I now feel obligated to throw something up here... Courtesy of remarkably little sleep for the past 48 hours, however, and a stomach that has gone beyond mere somersaults, my brain has finally packed up. Hopefully on a temporary basis.
So here's a photo from Christmas Day 2008. Santa hats, my genius idea (forgetting that we might possibly bake while wearing them). Paddled round to a place called Seven Commandos Beach, about 45 minutes from El Nido - lay in the sun and snorkelled, played Chess, drank a little, ate a lot. A beautiful and memorable end to last year, negating to some degree the somewhat inauspicious start I had to 2009. Specifically, someone insulting me the moment the new year arrived, me endeavouring to restrain myself then giving up and slapping them significantly around the face, and retreating to the peace of my bed for some decent sleep.
It's gone better since then, but I have to say that didn't particularly bode well for the next twelve months. I hope the year isn't totally jinxed.
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