- an eight year old girl wearing bright red lipstick and lighting a cigarette, giving me what I believe is called 'attitude' when I looked at her open mouthed.
- fluorescent green lilos should be given to everyone at birth. The world would be a happier place.
- Antal Szerb should be read in his entirety by all.
- where have the Sebastians of Oxford gone? Despite everyone thinking they are one, nobody is. They aren't even a Charles or an Antony Blanche. When did the soul become an optional extra?
- why are all men incapable of making competent decisions regarding appropriate garments for swimming?
- Facebook and Ferraris are over-rated.
- home-grown tomatoes are the way forwards in the world.
- why would anybody choose to live in a city? To be subjected to the chaos and the noise, the anger and the mad panic for survival?
- it isn't possible to make-over three rooms in sixty minutes, whatever the television tries to convince me each day.
- haircuts are too expensive. Avocadoes are over-priced. Dentists charge indecent prices. Life is rapidly becoming unaffordable.
Which leads me to my new year's ambition (a new year, starting from July. Well, why not - there is the academic year starting in September, this will be the Jane year starting in July). Specifically: win the lottery.
I will return to your screens shortly with a rant to reaffirm my existence as genuinely crabby blogger. Meanwhile - patience, grasshopper.
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